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What do you seek?
What do you seek?
by Paul Glass
Regina and Reggie from the city ask what you are looking for. ‘What do you seek?’ John Ch. 1. 29-42 Reggie: Hi there, welcome. Regina: Listen carefully. Reggie: I’m Reggie. Regina: And I’m Regina. Reggie: We’re something big in the City. Regina: Really, really big. Reggie: So you…
Drama: John the Baptist and the PR Consultant
Drama: John the Baptist and the PR Consultant
by Clare Truman
John the Baptist and the PR Consultant Matthew 3:1-12 – Year A: Advent 2 Narrator: In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, John: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. This is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said…
The new wine? Oh Yes!
The new wine? Oh Yes!
by Meryl White
An interactive story based on John 2 v 1 - 11, the Wedding at Cana, or Jesus turns the water into wine. The new wine?! Oh Yes!!! Based on John 2 v 1-11 – Jesus changed the water into wine This is an interactive story to illustrate the story of the Wedding at Cana. It tries to cap…
Prayers for an Autumn Morning
Prayers for an Autumn Morning
by Christine Dutton
Opening prayers of thanksgiving for an autumn service, giving thanks for the ways in which the change from summer into autumn can encourage us to see God at work in creation. Prayers for an Autumn Morning (suitable for all age worship) Loving God, who accompanies us through the c…
Expect the Unexpected-Advent
Expect the Unexpected-Advent
by Clare Truman
A lighthearted sketch for two actors to introduce advent and the ideas in Luke 21 Expect the Unexpected Year C - First Sunday of Advent Luke 21: 25-36 A is doing the church flowers. You may want to wear gardening gloves and carry secateurs. If you don’t normally have flowers in y…
The Saint Factor (Sketch)
The Saint Factor (Sketch)
by Clare Truman
A short sketch suitable for all age worship, youth group, children's groups or assemblies. It is a spoof of the X factor and illustrates the point that Saints are inspirational but not perfect. For three actors. The Saint Factor Louis: So, tell me again Cheryl, what exactly is th…
Inspired by Saints Prayer Stations
Inspired by Saints Prayer Stations
by Clare Truman
Inspired by Saints - Prayer Stations Leaders you need: kitchen roll, animal cookie cutters, cress seeds, tealights, pebbles, lego, flipchart paper, pens, water. Place these instructions next to the stations. Inspired by St Francis We give thanks for creation Take some kitchen tow…
Puppets for Jesus - Bethlehem Animal Watch
Puppets for Jesus - Bethlehem Animal Watch
by Puppets for Jesus
Bethlehem Animal Watch Bible Reference: Luke 2 1-20 Matthew 2: 1-12 The animals have their say in this special documentary about the first Christmas. This series of short sketches was written for use as a complete Christmas service, with puppets songs and Christmas carols.... Cre…
by Andy Wilcock
Modern Prodigal Son story Once upon a time, there was a son who was bored, bored, bored! He was a such a concern to his dad, because nothing could be found to motivate him. Then one day, out of the blue, his son came bounding in. Full of plans, ideas and excitement. Pleased …
Making Do - The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Making Do - The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
by Clare Truman
A short sketch exploring the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Suitable for All Age Worship. Making Do: The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16 – 19-31 Year C – Proper 21 The rich man sits at a table eating bread and doughnuts and sweets. Lazarus sits in front of the t…
Puppets for Jesus - Planting your seeds